304 Division St
Northfield, Minnesota 55057

Painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, printmaking and photography depict Minnesota?s fast-disappearing family farms and rural life. Not merely a sentimental glimpse into a fading past, this exhibit may be regarded as a wake-up call to those concerned about the fate of an important piece of Minnesota history and the state?s present and future agricultural policies. Includes work by Dorothy Divers, Fred Hagstrom, Stephanie Henriksen, David Kamis, Sharol Nau, Martin Berg, David Bjorkquist, Barbara Claussen, Patricia Canney, Debra Connolly, Richard Krogstad, Mark Pederson and Melanie VanHouten. Henriksen and Kamis organized the exhibit. FFI: 645-8877 or 645-7086

Added by Carol A. Overland on January 6, 2006



Bummer that we have to wait eleven years for this opening reception!

Interested 1