Living Labs Global, together with the City of Barcelona (Barcelona City Council and 22@Barcelona) hereby cordially invite you to attend the:
"Opening new markets for innovative services and technologies"
Hamburg - Mediterranean Matchmaking Summit
Hamburg is a leading European hub for Media & ICT, Healthcare and Design and has joined Living Labs Global as a strategic member to offer innovative companies in Hamburg access to international growth, partnering and innovation opportunities. This information and business summit will introduce and facilitate the growing business opportunities for members of the Living Labs Global network, institutions and businesses from Barcelona and Hamburg.
This event's plenary session will provide a compact overview of Living Labs Global and the Mediterranean growth opportunities, highlighting the role of Barcelona as a gateway for innovation and growth. Parallel thematic panels will be held as a custom matchmaking opportunity to meet international partners, customers and peers in the fields of Design, Media & ICT and Healthcare. These matchmaking sessions will start with a panel discussion of respected experts, and lead into a well-structured matchmaking process over lunch and coffee. To understand your offerings, needs and interests, we will follow a structured procedure upon registration and build your personal event experience.
An exhibition area will be mounted in the summit, offering you the opportunity to showcase your products, services and solutions in the mWatch Showcase format. Upon registration you can choose to take part in this exposition, from which the participants in the Summit will vote for the audience choice. An Award will be presented to the leading solutions, in the form of a one-year Associate Membership in Living Labs Global.
Who should participate?
Companies active in the Media and ICT, Healthcare and Design industries with an interest in international collaboration and growth will find this an important event as well as an opportunity to meet with business and public leaders representing both partnering and customer opportunities in Catalonia, Germany and beyond.
Who will attend?
It is expected that 70 companies from Hamburg will meet 30 international public and private leaders from the Living Labs Global network, attending the event to discover new business opportunities. Further, Venture Capitalists from Germany and Spain will attend the event to discuss growth and venture financing opportunities with participants.
All participants will be interviewed prior to the event to identify matchmaking interests and offerings, a detailed understanding of your needs will help us make this event a success for you.
Date: 16th January, 2009
Time: 10:30-15.00 hrs
Place: Riverside Hotel -Bernhard Nocht Strasse, 97, Hamburg, Germany (Room: Ballroom)
Note: Registration is free of charge thanks to generous sponsorship by the City of Barcelona. To facilitate a working atmosphere we will only have 100 participants, and spaces will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
Please do not reply to this email, instead email Pili Colom using the following address: [email protected]
10:30 - 10:55
Registration & Coffee
10:55 - 11:00
Welcome & Introduction
Uwe-Jens Neumann, President & CEO, Hamburg@Work
11:00 - 11:20
mWatch Mediterranean Study
Sascha Haselmayer, Managing Director, Living Labs Global
11:20 - 11:40
Barcelona and the Mediterranean Growth Region
Mario Rubert, Manager of International Economic Relations, Economic Promotion Barcelona
11:40 - 12:00
22@Barcelona: Innovation District
Jordi Sacristan, Marketing & Communication Director, 22@Barcelona
12:00 - 12:15
Networking Coffee
12:15 - 13:00
Outlook on sector market opportunities in the Mediterranean
Parallel expert panel discussion
Sascha Haselmayer, Living Labs Global
Panellist members:
Thorsten Becker, Management Angels
Uwe-Jens Neumann, Hamburg@Work
Jan Bomholt, Brains to Ventures AG
David Maso, FuturLink
Barcelona Media Innovation Centre (Speaker TBC)
Tom Kenney, Verve Wireless
Jakob H. Rasmussen, Living Labs Global
Panellist members:
Ben Reason, live/work
Axel Goehler, Newmex / Jordanian Consul Hamburg
Kathrin Adklofer, Norgenta
Montserrat Vendrell, BIOCAT
Philipp Schoeder, Active Capital Partners
Patrice Cristofini, Orange/FT Healthcare
Jens Bley, Living Labs Ventures
Simon Blake, Hasso Plattner Institute
Stephan Enders, Werbe Weischer
Sonia Monclus, Barcelona Centro de Diseno
Tobi Schneider, M.A.O Works
Javier Darriba, Xperience Consulting
13:00 - 15:00
Lunch & Matchmaking (taking place in each panel room)
Official Website:
Added by Kim Partridge on November 27, 2008