Open Source Learning Future Salon with John Taylor Gatto
Thursday August 21 at 6pm at SAP in Palo Alto
Please RSVP:
Free and open to the public
John Taylor Gatto ended his teaching career after 30 years, while being New York City Teacher of the Year for the third time and New York State Teacher of the year for the second time with on op-ed in the Wall Street Journal writing, that he was no longer willing to hurt children.
Since then he has written several books. Examples:
* Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling
* The Underground History of American Education
He is currently putting the finishing touches on his latest book out on the first of October: Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
Jerry Michalski wrote in 2003 about John's Harper's Bazar article:
Gatto's in Harper's
Doc first turned me on to John Taylor Gatto's ideas years ago by steering me toward an essay Gatto had published in The Sun. I think it was his Six-Lesson Schoolteacher (upgraded to seven, then eight: forgetfulness, bewilderment and confusion, assigned classism, indifference, emotional dependency, intellectual dependency, provisional self-esteem and the "glass house effect," a total lack of privacy). I've been a fan ever since, and a questioner not only of compulsory education, which Gatto convincingly eviscerates, but also of our society's other compulsions.
Future Salons have the following structure: 6-7pm is networking with light refreshments proudly sponsored by SAP; 7-9+pm is the presentation followed by questions and discussion. SAP Labs North America, Building D, Room Southern Cross or Cafeteria depending on number of RSVPs. SAP is located at 3410 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304. Free and open to the public. Please spread the word and invite others, but be sure to RSVP so we know how many people to expect.
Official Website:
Added by futuresalon on August 2, 2008