Paul-Heyse-Straße 22
Munich, Bavaria 80336

Like last times, together with free and open source software enthusiasts, geeks, nerds, hungry ones and everyone else who is into cooking, we will prepare a delicious dinner, and enjoy it in this group. Currently, we plan for a Turkish Menu - but we are open for any proposals, wishes or comments.

As usual, we will buy the goods for all participants, and costs will be divided equally amongst everyone, which usually makes about 10-15 € per person, including drinks. Food that is left at the end of the event will be donated to the Salvation Army, where the ones in need will benefit from. Oh, and you don't need to be an experienced cook to join - the power of the masses helped us more than once to create a fantastic menu, and we count on our community this time as well.

We welcome anyone joining us on our culinary adventure - and don't forget to bring your girlfriends, fiancés and spouses!

To help us in planning, please register you and your company until Wednesday, November 9th, at

Added by Ludovic Hirlimann on October 23, 2011