The Hotel Utah open mic is the epicenter of San Francisco's singer-songwriter community. Its stage attracts performers at all stages of their careers: from seasoned veterans to first-timers. It attracts music fans who know a good thing when they see it.
The musicians who come regularly don't come just to get a little "stage time" - they come because of the community that calls Monday at The Utah home - and the musicians that come in for the first time eventually start to come regularly...
So come on down this monday, have a beer, bring your guitar if that's your thing, and sit back and enjoy.
** Feature Artist ** - Powell Street Station
Powell St. Station is currently a trio from San Francisco made of David Finley (mandolin, bouzouki, etc.), Mark Underwood (bass), and Hotel Utah regular Michael Loebs (guitar/harmonica/vocals). They primarily define themselves as a rock band because it's one of those terms you can always use that doesn't actually mean anything. For now they're songs retain an edge that has been described as lying somewhere between folk and punk (funk, perhaps?) rearranged for the three octaves of their instruments. They like long, moonlit walks on the beach and composing bios in about two minutes.
Official Website:
Added by 200pockets on November 5, 2006