115 Hazen Ave
Saint John, New Brunswick

ONE HOUR WORKSHOP - "ARE YOU TONGUE-TIED WHEN MAKING A MOTION?" 12 noon to 1 pm. Saint John Volunteer Centre, 115 Hazen Street. Presented by the Saint John Volunteer Centre ( A United Way Agency). Confused about motions? This noon nugget will review the styles of motions and, when and, when not to make and revise a motion. This session will direct you to those resources available which will assist you in choosing the style of motion (and meeting management) which is right for your organizaton. Participants will leave with handouts describing styles from Roberts Rules, Bourinot's and others. Speaker: Michael Park is Manager, Long Term Mental Health, AHSC Reg2, as well as an Instructor, Governance, St. Lawrence College, Cornwall, Ontario and a Consultant in governance practices for small non profits. Fee: $10 (includes coffee/dessert). Seats are limited. Pre-registration necessary. (506) 658-1555.

Added by zanthin5 on March 29, 2007

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