674 S. Orcas St
Seattle, Washington 98108

Once upon a time in the far-away land of Georgetown, a magical place called the School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts was built. The SANCA Youth Performance Company invites you to this wonderland to enjoy their annual winter show, Once Upon a Circus.

Everybody loves Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson, but how well do we really remember these tales from our youth? In this show, the Youth Performance Company reenacts their favorite bedtime stories, but they’re having a bit of difficulty remembering the details. Somehow, we have two Ugly Ducklings. Little Red Riding Hood and Robin Hood are siblings. A witch is faced with the challenge of luring a more sophisticated Hansel and Gretel into her candy cottage--they prefer organic, chemical-free, non-dairy, gluten-free, non-genetically modified apricot thumbprints.

Once Upon a Circus is a joyous celebration featuring acrobatics, tightwire, unicycle, aerial arts, and juggling. The Youth Performance Company has been wow-ing audiences with their performances since 2006.

Show times:
• 3:00 & 7:00 PM on Saturday, Dec. 3rd.
• 3:00 PM on Sunday, Dec. 4th.

Tickets are available at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/210667
$14 – youth ages 12 & under, students with a valid I.D. & seniors
$19 – adults
Some tickets may be available at the door, but you’ll pay a little more (Adults $22 & Youth, Students & Seniors $17)

Official Website: http://www.sancaseattle.org

Added by Sanca Seattle on November 11, 2011

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