55 Mill St, Building #58, Studio 314, Distillery District
Toronto, Ontario

This 15th edition of Older and Reckless features choreographers
Deborah Dunn, Maxine Heppner with Miguel Frasconi, Michelle Silagy, Claudia Moore.

OLDER & RECKLESS, an informal performance series, features work from OLDER artists who continue to grow more RECKLESS as time goes by. OLDER & RECKLESS provides an opportunity for seasoned dance artists to perform short works and a chance for the audience to see some of Canada’s most celebrated senior choreographers.
Conceived as a twice-yearly event by Claudia Moore, artistic director of MOonhORsE Dance Theatre, OLDER & RECKLESS is “an intimate exchange for both the performer and the observer; exciting, terrifying, and lots of fun. The performances are followed by a party with music, refreshments, and a chance to talk with the artists about work, process, and whatever else comes up!”

In this 15th edition, Moore is thrilled to present the “Eccentric, humorous and original,” (Linda Howe-Beck, The Montreal Gazette), Québécois artist, Deborah Dunn, who will be performing excerpts from her choreography, Four Quartets, which is based on Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot. After an 8-year hiatus, 2008 marks the return to a long-term collaboration between choreographer Maxine Heppner and composer Miguel Frasconi. William Yong will perform a beautiful solo excerpted from Michelle Silagy’s work Necessary Velocity (2007), which is inspired by naturalist D’Arcy Thompson’s revolutionary book On Growth and Form written in 1917, and his writings on surface tension in and surrounding the human heart. Claudia Moore will be presenting a commissioned duet that she created for her longtime collaborators Tom Brouillette and Jennifer Dick.

Please join us each night after the performance for an informal talkback and reception with snacks and drinks!

Reservations and information call 416-504-6429 ext. 30

Added by julyedanceumbrella on November 7, 2008