Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

We are so busy in most offices today that we overlook the fact that unsafe acts by employees cause the largest number of office injuries. Slips trips and falls cause the most serious injuries. Many of us misuse technology to the point we injure ourselves - particularly with smart phones, ipads, laptop computers, stress, text messaging and multi-tasking, and poor posture. lack of sleep and insufficient hydration and stretching.

It doesn't have to be this way, and smart, simple safety actions can increase productivity, employee engagement and retention, and company profit. You can create and maintain a safe and healthy office, and this is not an expense, it is a profit center.

Why should you attend :
The nature of office injuries: #1- Strains -32.2%; Contusions -9.7%; Cuts 9.1%; Cumulative injuries 8.3%; Sprains 7.1%; Punctures 4.5%; and Mental Stress 1.3%.

With the Total Cost of lost time injury would averaging now $56,515, and strains and sprains so common, employers need to take action.

Also- directly affecting office employees - most common sources of workplace fatalities: traffic accidents; workplace violence and slips and falls.

Areas Covered in the Session:
Why safety is important of offices
Who is responsible for safety
4 points for creating a safe office
Inspecting for safety
Training office employees in Safety - what and how
Violence in the workplace
Accident investigations - why and how
Written safety plans - their importance
Resources for you

Who Will Benefit:
Owners of companies, Safety managers, Human Resources, Chief Operations Officers,
Safety Committee members, trainers
Foremen and Supervisors
Office and Plant managers
Legal, finance and information managers
Anyone with employees

Official Website: http://alturl.com/btmms

Added by Roger Steven on September 3, 2012

Interested 1