23732 Bothell Everett Highway
Bothell, Washington 98021

Gently consider your "ideal" holiday and how you may offer your most precious gift, the presence of your heart. Take this opportunity to enter into the holiday season with intention, purpose and a plan.

Together at this mini-retreat we will consider the joys and challenges that face us during the holiday season. We'll share practical tips on how to thrive through the holidays, rather than merely survive them.

You will experience peace and goodwill that cannot be bought and cannot be taken away from you.

Our time together will include group coaching and discussion, quiet introspection and creative activities all designed to center your heart for the holiday season.

Limited to 8 people. Ages 18 and up, please.
Your payment is your reservation. Paypal and money orders accepted.
$25 for one person or $45 for two people OR
one person may attend both retreats on this date for $45 - a savings of $5!

Added by Kelly Morrison on October 27, 2009

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