Their value may not be reflected on the balance sheet, but the core assets of many companies, particularly those engaged in high technology businesses, are intellectual property. Intellectual property is generally developed through the efforts of employees and independent contractors. Properly drafted contracts are critical to ensuring that a company obtains the rights it believes it is paying for. This seminar will discuss those contracts as well as the four primary categories of intellectual property: trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secrets.
Light lunch, sandwiches and beverages provided.
About our speaker: Vicki Ballou
Vicki Ballou, Partner, Tonkon Torp LLP Vicki is co-chair of the Intellectual Property practice group at Tonkon Torp LLP. She helps both technology and brick and mortar companies protect their trade secrets, trademarks, original works and other intellectual assets. She drafts and negotiates patent, copyright and trade secret licensing agreements, co-branding agreements and nondisclosure, noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreements, assists companies in registering their trade and servicemarks and copyrights, and helps companies perfect security interests in intellectual property collateral.
Vicki assists her start-up company clients with formation, financing, licensing and general contracting issues. She is listed in The Best Lawyers in America in the specialty of Intellectual Property Law.
IP Workshop Fee Member: $ 30.00
IP Workshop Fee Non Member: $ 95.00
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Added by Leena Faust on March 24, 2008