NY Entrepreneurs Business Network (8,000+ members) is hosting its 1st holiday party on Nov. 30th at New World Stages. Come meet somebody who will change your business once and for all. Admission is free with your RSVP. You can register via this link - http://www.ny-entrepreneur-network.com/calendar/15418757/
Detail about this event is as follows:
Host: NY Entrepreneurs Business Network (NYEBN) - follow this link to join the group http://www.ny-entrepreneur-network.com/join/
6 PM - 9 PM, Tuesday, Nov. 30th
New World Stages
340 West 50th Street
New York, NY 10019
General admission is free with your RSVP. To RSVP, go to http://www.ny-entrepreneur-network.com/calendar/15418757/
Note: Our co-host of the event is Eurocircle
Added by nyebn on November 18, 2010