P.O. Box 270896
West Hartford, Connecticut

Nuts & Bolts Of Real Estate Investing Series: Webinar 1
With John Czel - Are You Protected?

Free for CT REIA Members
$165 for Non-Members (this price includes 1 year of CT REIA Membership)

* Be sure to check out your email after registering. We will send you the information you need to login to the webinar.

CT REIA is interviewing Connecticut leading authorities in the nuts and bolts of real estate investing. This is the non-glamorous stuff - but the important stuff - you need to know. Listen in as we ask the questions you want to ask.

This is a members-only series of calls and webinars. If you are not yet a member, register for this event as a guest and you will automatically join CT REIA for a full 365 days.

To learn more about the benefits of CT REIA membership, visit http://www.ctreia.com/content.php/membership/membership-overview

Official Website: http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=308

Added by CTREIA on November 30, 2010

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