Tennessee Ave
Los Angeles, California

Everybody and their mother has a pumpkin pie recipe. And truth be told, most of them are probably using canned pumpkin. Yuck! Who wants pie made out of processed pumpkins from last year?
Let Angela F. show you how to make awesome pumpkin pieā€¦from a fresh pumpkin. Pumpkin pie is one of her favorite things in the world and she has been making it from scratch every Thanksgiving for as long as she can remember. In this session, you will cut and cook fresh pumpkin, add spices, and make the crust from scratch. You will even roast the seeds so that you can snack while you wait for the pie to bake and cool. Since pumpkin pie takes a while to make, Angela will pre-prep the ingredients so that you get a chance to taste your culinary delight.

From now on, everyone will be skipping the store-bought pie and making a beeline to your house for the best pumpkin pie ever. Happy Thanksgiving, guaranteed.

Official Website: http://goo.gl/K9oBE

Added by Mark Ting on October 25, 2011

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