222 E. Eleven Mile Rd.
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067

Want to learn how to keep the holiday spirit alcohol free and have safe, hangover-free holiday celebrations? Join us on Thursday, December 2 from 5:30 - 8:00 PM in the Friends Auditorium as we welcome the Royal Oak Community Coalition and The ROCK on Third for a non-alcoholic holiday drink tasting.

The Royal Oak Community Coalition is encouraging people to make safe and healthy decisions this holiday season. The ROCK on Third is sponsoring the event by providing all the ingredients to make “mocktails” fit for the holidays. Join us to sample and create these simple “mocktails” while sampling tasty holiday foods from local supermarkets.

Registration preferred. Fill out the form from the link below or call the adult reference desk at 248-246-3727.

Official Website: http://ropl.org/index.php/calendar/details/551-join-us-for-a-non-alcoholic-holiday-drink-tasting?xref=550

Added by dynamite_boi on November 29, 2010

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