2200 N. Westmoreland
Arlington, Virginia 22213

Join us for a very special event in partnership with George Mason University's Fall for the Book Program. At 6 pm we'll have a wine tasting and then at 7 pm, a panel of the hottest authors in dark crime fiction will explore fresh trends in noir writing!

Featured authors include:

Elizabeth Hand, author of the Cassandra Neary mystery novels, "Generation Lost" and "Available Dark" (out 2/14)

James Grady, author "Six Days of the Condor," "Mad Dogs," and the recently published "This Given Sky"

Sandra Ruttan, editor of Spinetingler Magazine and author of "Harvest of Ruins" and "Suspicious Circumstances"

Nik Korpon, author of "Stay God, Old Ghosts" and "By the Nails of Warpriest"

Panel moderator con Lehane, author of the Brian McNulty mystery series including "Beware the Solitary Drinker," "What Goes Around Comes Around," and "Death at the Old Hotel.

Added by One More Page Books on February 11, 2012