4020 S. Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Come for free supper solution samples, how-to-demonstrations, and basic nutrition education. Learn about the basics of a healthy diet and discuss various nutrition hot topics in this open forum style class! Bring all your nutrition questions!

It’s free! Join this interactive group to eat, get new ideas to old dinner favorites, and learn about the basics of nutrition and healthy diet with Maya Nahra, RD, Sunflower’s Health and Wellness Educator. Do you cook the same dinner over and over again for your family? Are you confused about good and bad fats? Do you need healthy solutions for your children’s diet? Do you know what gluten free means? Bring your friends and all of your nutrition questions! We will prepare some healthy dinner alternatives while answering all of your burning nutrition questions in this open forum style class! Please sign up to ensure enough food for all! Call 702-876-4888, and ask for the Natural Living Department or stop in the store anytime to sign up.

Added by MGAZ2000 on May 5, 2009