One Convention Center Plz
St. Charles, Missouri 63303

Outdoor lighting specialists, NiteLites, the landscape lighting professionals, will exhibit their latest outdoor lighting fixtures and discuss the techniques they use to extend daylight hours beyond sunset at the St. Charles Home Show. The show is scheduled for April 11 – 13 at the St. Charles Convention Center. Hours for the show are 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Friday and Saturday, and 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday. Admission to the show is free, and there are 1,100 free parking spaces at the convention center. This year’s show features over 165 exhibitors offering products and services to improve any property. In addition, the show features a Family Fun Area, dog adoption each day from St. Charles Humane Society, and a sausage festival and wine tasting area. For more information, visit and select Builders St. Charles Home Show.

While attending the show, stop at the NiteLites exhibit and let Matt Muenz and his staff share their spectacular collection of photos of their outdoor lighting projects. The photos feature homes and landscapes which have expanded their available outdoor living area, and extended their daylight hours with a NiteLites outdoor lighting system. Throughout the show this company will also demonstrate their latest in high quality outdoor lighting fixtures and will share the many advantages of NiteLites specification grade, low voltage lighting systems.

To register for a personal lighting consultation, stop at the NiteLites booth and see Mr. Muenz and his staff, or call 314-918-0945. A personal demonstration may also be requested by visiting and clicking on Free Demo, or calling 1-800 NITELITES (1-800-648-3548). NiteLites is a member of the Better Business Bureau of E. Missouri & S. Illinois (

Official Website:

Added by amandanite on April 4, 2008

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