511 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, Colorado 80027

"Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended." So begins Vernor Vinge's groundbreaking 1993 essay "The Coming Technological Singularity." This talk will introduce and review the concepts of the Singularity, discuss some examples of recent progress, and explore some scenarios as to how the Singularity might or might not play out. Typical predictions have the Singularity occurring in the mid-21st century, which would therefore supersede most other efforts at futurism.

EVENT: Night with a Futurist
DATE: September 12, 2011 - Monday
TIME: 6:30pm-9:00pm
WEBSITE: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/547/night-with-a-futurist-tuesday-july-12-2011

LOCATION: DaVinci Institute, 511 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027

COST: $20, Members: Free, SuperMembers: Free

PHONE: 303-666-4133

TOPIC: The Coming of the Singularity
SPEAKER: Dave Jilk, Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of eCortex, Inc.

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/551/night-with-a-futurist-monday-september-12-2011

Added by DaVinci Institute Events on August 3, 2011