505 Kalmia St
San Diego, California

You are invited to become a Movie Star in the most historical (and hysterical) event in film history! The wildly popular and eccentric director, Zigfree Von Schtubble will team up with Madame Jetais’, the beautiful but creepy choreographer, famous for creating "The Peewee Herman Dance". (Don’t worry, her epilepsy will in no way harm the actors on this project…unlike her last film). The two will assemble an all-star cast of wannabe’s, has been’s and almost never were’s for a chilling and suspenseful tale of lust and betrayal and zombies and werewolves and a few killer potatoes…the Musical! Why is this such a groundbreaking film? It marks the first ever Live Broadcast of a full length Horror film! Movie Theaters worldwide, or at least in Oceanside and Chula Vista, will simultaneously broadcast Lenny Moskowitz’s "Werewolves and Zombies and Potatoes, Oh My!" Actors, Singers, Dancers and Crew Members are all needed, so come to the exclusive audition in star-studded Hollywood! (well, Hollywood Video on El Cajon Blvd., that is) And be ready to strut your stuff, or just laugh at everyone else who does!

Official Website: http://www.sdartstix.com/

Added by SD Arts Tix on July 3, 2010

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