1000 LaSalle Avenue, TMH 166
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Millennial leaders are a necessity during this time of pervasive ambiguity and frenetic change in the global marketplace. Although considered less experienced, they provide tremendous value with energy, fresh insights, and tech-savvy ideas – the qualities necessary to succeed in the globalized economy.

The Next Generation Leadership Series is a holistic, four-part development program that prepares high-potential Millennial leaders to make a greater contribution to their organizations. Framed in a distinctly generational context, it dramatically stretches participants’ leadership capacity while teaching them to effectively apply core business principles to improve organizational performance and results.
While each of the programs may be taken independently to fulfill particular development needs, those who complete the entire four-part series will be best prepared to:

• Lead and influence with credibility, confidence, and compassion
• Connect, communicate and collaborate with all generations and cultures in the workplace
• Make smart, well-informed decisions
• Navigate complexity, change, conflict, and ambiguity
• Coach, mentor, manage, and motivate direct reports
• Participate in additional executive-level development programs

Upcoming offerings:
Personal Leadership for the New Leader
January 30 - January 31, 2012

Cost: Entire Series - $5400, includes tuition, learning material, meals, and refreshments). Price is reflective of a 20% discount if you register and pay for the entire four programs in advance. Individual courses priced separately.

There are no prerequisites to enroll in this non-degree program.
Please visit the University of St. Thomas The Next Generation Leadership Series website for more information or copy and paste the following URL: http://exed.stthomas.edu/NextGenerationLeadershipProgram

Official Website: http://exed.stthomas.edu/NextGenerationLeadershipProgram

Added by ustcbe on August 11, 2011

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