223 12 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G9

Calgary now has a carshare venture that allows you to get around
Calgary without having to own a vehicle.

Save thousands compared to owning a vehicle by paying for your
use with hourly rates that cover fuel, insurance and maintenance!

Save even more by taking advantage of our day discounts and even
earn your use through credits for help with maintenance or referrals.

Plus, you get access to our entire fleet of vehicles, most of which are
located near LRT stations and/or major pathways or bus routes.

Members even claim using vehicles far less than when they owned,
meaning that they are also more active and pollute less.

Join now for less than $60, plus a refundable damage deposit!
Bring a friend and get $50 if you both join.

Orientations are held Thursdays at 6PM or otherwise by appointment.
Please RSVP by phone at (403) 264-2422 before attending so we
can get you the application forms in advance.

For more info, please visit our web site (linked below).

Official Website: http://calgarycarshare.ca

Added by codytorgerson on June 4, 2008

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