Stony Brook, NY
Stony Brook, New York 11794

STONY BROOK, NY – A select group of internationally respected journalists and media figures, including Ted Koppel, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Andrew Heyward, Alexandra Wallace, and Vivian Schiller, will join university presidents, journalism school deans, and professors from some three dozen institutions across the country to examine, discuss and provide a strategy on how to teach News Literacy to undergraduate and high school students during the nation’s first-ever conference on the topic at Stony Brook University on Long Island, NY, March 11 to 13.

Official Website:

Added by dailyme on March 11, 2009



This is really ironic that this News Literacy invitation has a mispelled word right in the title of the invitation!

I think I will pass on learning from this group!


More and more, news is visual. I'd bet my last dollar that VISUAL LITERACY IN NEWS is not included in this conference, or in Stony Brook's new hires to teach "news literacy". It's a new world, but the same old strategies:

Interested 1