185 Madison Ave, Floor 13,
New York, New York 10016

  • Want to learn more about Drupal?
  • Want to learn how to run a Drupal site professionally?
  • Want to get your questions answered by Drupal experts?

Drupal Training in New York is for you!Who Should Attend

  • 1 Individuals wanting to learn Drupal best practices.
  • 2 Business owners or employees responsible for their company's Drupal website.
  • 3 Webdesigners looking to expand their service offerings by providing Drupal sites for clients.
  • 5 Web Professionals looking to save time by learning from Drupal experts.
Subjects Taught

You'll learn how to build a Drupal website, from content and user organization, to working with extensions and templates:Topic

  • Part 1: Introduction to Drupal
  • Part 2: Site-wide settings and user management
  • Part 3: Managing content articles and nodes
  • Part 4: Setting up and organizing menus and navigation
  • Part 5: Configuring and working with Drupal modules
  • Part 6: Understanding and using Drupal blocks
  • Part 7: Choosing and configuring Drupal themes
  • Part 8: How to manage Drupal websites professionally and securely

There are no pre-requisites for the beginner class. We assume that all students in our beginner classes start with no Drupal experience.Your TrainerSteve Burge

Steve is the founder of OSTraining.com. He also runs Alledia.com, a leading development firm in New York, Georgia. Steve's firm has built over 200 CMS-powered websites. He currently travels widely helping people to learn and thrive with Drupal.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 12, 2011