50 Weyman Avenue
New Rochelle, New York 10805

NY Defensive Driving Classes at the YMCA of New Rochelle on September 23&24 from 6pm-9pm. Tues.&Wed Evening. New Rochelle defensive driving. 6 hour class. Online class is not approved in New York. Get 10% off your auto insurance just by taking this DMV aprroved class. Also remove four (4) points from your driving record. Sponsored by New York Safety Program. To register go to: http://taiw.org/NYClassScheduleNY.aspx
or call Bill at 914-751-7492. Only $45.00 You must attend both evenings. No Tests.
New Rochelle YMCA is right across from Home Depot near Route 1.

Official Website: http://taiw.org/NYClassScheduleNY.aspx

Added by hevean on June 21, 2008

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