3351 W 43rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90008

September 8th marks a new moon in Virgo. Patty Kamson is an intuitive astrologer and spiritual consultant who will tell us how to use the energy of this new moon to manifest change. Afterward, intuitive empath and Reiki Master Teacher, Rhonda Kuykendall-Jabari will perform a guided group meditation and invocation to initiate an energy of positive change.

Admission: $10
Astrological Chart (must request in advance): $10

...All guests will enjoy food and drinks, and participate in the astrology talk and new moon ritual.

Request your astrological chart in advance by emailing your name, date of birth, birth time, birth city and birth state to [email protected]. You will receive your printout at the event.

What to bring: pen, paper, towel or yoga mat

RSVP: Rhonda - (323) 639-3674

Added by lucyflorence2 on September 2, 2010

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