Welcome to the first official "New Media Office Hours" gathering/Q&A session - an attempt to encourage participation in new media by exploring the creative & technical aspects of making cross-platform VIDEO for the web (and beyond).
A few experienced new media producers will be on hand to answer questions and discuss trends in a casual atmosphere. This event is 100% n00b friendly. Do you know a filmmaker, actor, or writer curious about new media? Perfect. Bring your questions and don't be shy.
Office Hours is very informal. Come and go as you please - we'll wrap promptly at 3pm to disperse for Superbowl parties. Free wifi is available, but please buy a drink to support the wonderful M Street Coffee shop.
* Adapting your existing short film/project for the web
* Essential tools/resources to get you started
* Pros/cons of various distribution platforms (e.g. YouTube)
* SAG vs. non-union contracts
* Connecting with other new media professionals
* Going the indie route vs. seeking out funding
This event is hosted by New Media West - an emerging coalition of new media professionals in the LA/SF area.
Note: Apologies for the short notice. This is just a trial run.
Mike Ambs - Creator, Project Pedal/For Thousands of Miles
Rudy Jahchan - Co-creator, Galacticast
Rick Rey - Former producer, EPIC FU
Added by rickrey on January 30, 2009