10332 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, California 90230

We care for all your Electronic waste needs, call and we can arrange to support you in your effort to recycle!
Now you can get rid of all that old electronic stuff in the garage, and it won't cost you anything to unload. We hold electronic waste events all the time. GIVE US A CALL!
We're holding our next event at:
10332 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA. 90230
July 18th,19th,25th,26th
from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
For Info.contact: Mr. Shell Wheaton
(310) 559-7977 cell 310-936-5667
What we accept: Stereos, TVs, Computers, Monitor's, DVDs, any electronics
NO! Household appliances

Read more: http://losangeles.kijiji.com/c-Community-Announcements-New-Generation-Empowerment-Group-E-Waste-Recycle-Event-W0QQAdIdZ102760199#ixzz0K3jl4ERH&C

Official Website: http://www.shellwheaton.com

Added by New Generation Empowerment Group on July 1, 2009