"Client Relationship Management: How to Track, Groom and Grow Your Client Base"
Client relationship management (CRM) is the set of processes for tracking, engaging, and interacting with prospective and current clients, in every stage of the client lifecycle. You’ll learn CRM and case management basics, how to apply them successfully for building your ADR practice, and how to select the right CRM software for your needs.
While it may be tempting to assume that effective marketing is the primary key to practice-building, any successful ADR business needs a solid CRM infrastructure to groom prospective clients and track client information once they're in the door. This workshop helps new and seasoned ADR practitioners alike figure out how to get this infrastructure in place with minimal hassle and maximum effectiveness.
Official Website: http://neacr.org/displayconvspecific.cfm?convnbr=5549
Added by TammyLenski on October 20, 2008