4401 2nd Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 98105

In Business, trust is extremely important. As a general rule, we trust people who are more like us than ones who are not. We call them our friends. Networking involves getting to know and trust people who are not as much like you and getting them to trust you. It's about expanding your "comfort zone" and at the same time, communicating your value to people who aren't necessarily just like you, and really understanding their value. In short, it's making friendly contact with non-friends. This can be uncomfortable to down right difficult. It doesn't have to be so hard. Really! Building trust requires some adjustments in our behavior, and some practice. You are already trustworthy; you just need to communicate that to everyone else. When you can do this, people will want what you have to offer and remember to refer you to others. Your business will soar.

In this workshop, we’ll break down the elements of creating a trusting relationship with a complete stranger and improving the trust with your current network. We will have time to practice and ask questions so that these networking skills become rewarding.

Added by nlpseattle on February 3, 2010

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