441 Electronics Parkway
Liverpool, New York 13088

Jessica A. Haynes
In 1983 at the age of twenty-seven. As a passenger in a car that crashed, she sustained massive injuries. The impact crushed her face beyond recognition. The bones in her feet were shattered and her vertebrae suffered multiple fractures. Jessica had lost mobility and was given a poor prognosis.
Jessica will share her time in the light and miraculous recovery which continues to inspire audiences twenty years later. Jessica has proven it is possible to overcome challenges and live your dreams.
Author of three books and numerous published articles. She has been on panel discussions with Ram Dass, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dannion Brinkley, and other experts. She is a co-author with Stephen Covey, John Gray, Ken Blanchard, Brian Tracy, and Les Brown.
Enjoy Jessica's life-changing message of hope, passion, and how to face one's challenges ... as well as understand how a NDE can help and inspire other people's lives.
Please, come and share her experience!!! This will be an event you won't forget and in which you will be truly inspired

Meeting is:
Tues. March 8, 2011
From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
(A $10.00 donation is requested)
At the Holiday Inn,
441 Electronics Pkwy, Liverpool, NY 13088

Upstate NY IANDS
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.unyi.org

Official Website: http://www.unyi.org

Added by Dave UNYI on February 22, 2011

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