620 2nd Street
Eureka, California 95501

Piante Gallery hosts Redwood Coast Montessori's first annual Nature, Nurture, Art. This fundraising event features children's art along with exceptional professional pieces up for bid in a silent auction. All funds raised will support Redwood Coast Montessori in its first five months until state funds begin. RCM, under sponsorship of Mattole Valley Charter School, is the only free, public lower elementary program in our area. Join us, bid on art, and support a lovely program. Hors D’oeuvres hosted by Avalon.
Artists include:
Peter Holbrook
Kay Harden
Sara Starr
Regina Case
Bob Benson
Iris Schencke
Harry Blumenthal
Jo Cunningham
Rachel Daniels
Joan Katri
Honor Kirk
Yannis Stefanakis
Jane Higley
Rebecca Degagne
Suzanne Simpson
Julie Clark
Kathryn Hedges
Kathy Blair
Christina Swingdler CS Designs
Phillipe Noyer
. . . More work is still coming in.

Children's Art by: Reesa, age 5, Wanda, age 5, Thorne, age 8, Grace age 6, Zoe, age 5, Blue age 6, Nathan, age 8, Khari, age 6, Ronja age 7 . . .

Added by Redwood Coast Montessori on August 12, 2009