2401 12th St Nw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104

6th Annual National Women's History Month Award in partnership with the NM Commission on the Status of Women, will recognize Esther Martinez ( Ohkay Owingeh) this year. Members of her family will receive the award in her honor. Dance demonstrations begin at noon, followed by award at 1PM, and then we will welcome artist/filmmaker/poet Nora Naranjo-Morse (Santa Clara) as a speaker. Her work is currently featured in the "Unlimited Boundaries" exhibit at the IPCC and the Albuquerque Museum.
For more information call 505-843-7270,

All events are free with admission: $6 adults, $4 NM residents,
$1 students w/ID

Official Website: http://www.indianpueblo.org

Added by maryland on February 21, 2007

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