117 Ridge Road, Hollis, NH 03049
Hollis, New Hampshire 03049

Please call 603-465-7787 to register (so we can provide lunch!)
What to bring: Work clothes and boots, water bottle, sunscreen, hat and insect repellent.
The first Saturday in June is designated National Trails Day in the U.S. On that day, every year, more than a million hikers, bikers, equestrians and others, take part in thousands of events nationwide in celebration of America's trails. These events include new trail dedications, workshops, educational exhibits, equestrian and mountain bike rides, rollerblading, trail maintenance, and hikes, on America's favorite trails. Come lend a hand to upgrade some sections of trails at Beaver Brook Association in Hollis.

Official Website: http://www.beaverbrook.org

Added by lquinlan88 on April 22, 2009

Interested 1