301 Acacia Road
Vero Beach, Florida 32963

Nautical Charts - How to read them... sponsored by the Vero Beach Power Squadron. We are a boating group here in Vero and we teach boating classes to the public. These seminars are held at the VBPS located next to the bridge adjacent to the Riverside Cafe. There are discounts for VBPS members and second person couple discounts, as well.
For more information on other classes please contact Dan Thomas at 772-231-9543.

There are many educational opportunities available within the VBPS. They offer courses that teach basic knowledge necessary to operate boats safely and legally. The United States Power Squadrons® offer courses in advanced navigation using modern equipment such as GPS and Radar. Courses are even offered in celestial navigation. They are also offered thru the VBPS, right here in Vero Beach.

You may find more details on www.verobeachps.com

How to Read a Nautical Chart
7:00-9:00 PM Wednesday March 3, 2010

Official Website: http://www.verobeachps.com/

Added by vbps2009 on January 26, 2010

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