821 University Ave
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

University Theatre kicks off the second part of its season with a style of show rarely seen by Madison audiences: a traditional Japanese kabuki piece. Professor David Furumoto, University of Wisconsin's Director of Theatre and resident Kabuki aficionado will direct 'Narukami: The Thunder God,' with English adaptation by James Brandon. 'Narukami' is a tale of a powerful ascetic Buddhist Priest by the same name, who makes a deal with the Emperor to insure that a healthy male heir would be born unto the thrown, and in exchange, the Emperor would grant Narukami anything he wishes. But when Narukami asks for a temple in his honor, the Emperor refuses. As punishment, Narukami traps all the dragon gods of rain, causing a terrible draught. In desperation, the Emperor sends the most beautiful lady of the court, Lady Taema, to seduce Narukami and trick him into revealing the secret of releasing the rain spirits. Be careful not to upset Narukami, though, because when angered, this plain Buddhist priest can transform into a raging demon. Presented along with Narukami will be a short comedic one act called 'The Zen Substitute.' Here, Lord Ukyo has grown tired of his smothering wife, Lady Tomoe, and finds refuge and delight in a mistress. To escape his overly attentive wife, Lord Ukyo makes up excuse after excuse until he is finally successful in his deception. But when his lie is discovered, his wife has some trickery of her own.

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 8, 2010