1300 W. 78th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44102

In Les Délices’ colorful and fantastic program, the Odyssey’s hero, Ulysses, will confront storms at sea, shipwrecks, the tantalizing allure of siren songs, a deep and magical slumber, and encounters with the Cyclopes – all set to music.

Myths & Allegories features Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre’s dramatic cantata Le Sommeil d’Ulisse, and Thomas-Louis Bourgeois’ Les Sirènes, plus instrumental music from Jean-Féry Rebel’s 1703 opera, Ulysse. Jean-Philippe Rameau’s wild harpsichord solo Les Cyclopes chronicles Ulysse’s encounter with the monocular beast, while Ulysses’ long-faithful wife Penelope pines from afar as symbolized by Rebel’s violin sonata La Fidelle.

Tickets are $20/$18/$5 student rush at the door

Official Website: http://www.debranagy.com/Les_Delices1/concerts.html#May

Added by debranagy on April 29, 2011

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