San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco, California 94103

Mystical Secrets of Light and Love: an Intimate Introduction to the Kabbalah....

You are invited to come receive Kabbalist insights about the Twin Temples of Body and Soul in a safe, supportive atmosphere of delving, inquiry and revelation. Rabbi Alyjah will offer ancient and contemporary Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge regarding relationships, sensuality and spirituality that will help you navigate the changing currents of the River of Life. Using the Kabbalah Deck, Rabbi Alyjah will help you discover, benefit from, and be blessed by, the hidden pathways of Light and Love that are emanating within and around you at all times.

In June of 2007, Rabbi Alyjah Navy celebrated his Hai Anniversary of 18 years of rabbinical service since ordination. Rabbi Alyjah was ordained at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. In 1993, Rabbi Alyjah founded Ayn Sof Kabbalah Community as a non-profit organization designed to provide an alternative avenue for spiritual seekers of all faiths and perspectives to experience creative, Kabbalist spirituality. Ayn Sof classes, workshops and rituals are creative, inspirational alternatives to mainstream approaches.

$10-18 Light Offering
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Every Monday Night
1074 Folsom Street, (One Taste) San Francisco, CA 94103

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