2200 N. Westmoreland
Arlington, Virginia 22213

Join us to discuss "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King. The narrator of this intriguing story is Mary Russell, a brilliant but unhappy young woman, recently orphaned and now heir to a sizeable estate, who literally stumbles over the retired Sherlock Holmes in Sussex Downs. The two form an instantaneous friendship which soon becomes a partnership as he begins to teach her the art of detecting. They pursue a succession of cases together, but what began as a pleasant diversion swiftly turns into a deadly game of chess with a mysterious, ruthless enemy from Holmes’s past. "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" is an Agatha nominee and chosen as one of the 100 Favorite Mysteries of the 20th Century by the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association.

Added by One More Page Books on August 24, 2011