OSSCube LLC 404 Shakespeare St, Morrisville (North Carolina) - 27560
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560

* Is your MySQL database secure? Do your users have the correct privileges and access rights?
* Is your MySQL database operating at optimal efficiency? Do you want to increase the performance of your database and make sure it scales?
* Do you want to save time using features like Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views?
* Do you want to utilize the new enterprise features of MySQL 5.0?

Then MySQL 5.0 for DBA's is the class for you! An Authorized MySQL instructor will teach you how to properly install MySQL, create and execute Backup Strategies, create secure Stored Procedures to update and access data and more!

This instructor led, hands-on class will teach you how to secure users privileges, set resource limitations, and access controls. In addition, you will learn multiple new 5.0 features such as creating and using Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views.

More info at: http://www.osscube.com/training/mysql/mysql-for-dba

Register at: http://www.osscube.com/training/schedule-pricing

Official Website: http://www.osscube.com/training/sugarcrm/sugarcrm-admin-fundamentals

Added by Kinshuk.Sunil on March 4, 2010

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