513 Main St
Longmont, Colorado 80501

The Longmont Theatre Company presents
Secret passageways, Nazi saboteurs, and dead bodies combine to create a blizzard of mayhem in the sidesplitting The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Poking antic fun at the more ridiculous aspects of "show biz" and the corny thrillers of Hollywood's heyday, the play is a non-stop barrage of laughter as those assembled (or at least those who aren't killed off) untangle the mystery of the Stage Door Slasher.
By John Bishop
Directed by Ricky Lee Landrum
Rated PG

May 2011
6, 7, 8*
13, 14, 15*, 16
19, 20, 21

* Sunday performances are at 2:00 pm.
All others are at 7:30 pm


Added by anttraco on April 4, 2011

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