126 High St.
Santa Cruz CA, California

Thrill to the dynamic passion of one of the most-loved oratorio masterworks: Messiah by George Frederick Handel. The 100-person Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus, with live orchestra, will perform the first part of Messiah, highlighting the prophesy of the coming Messiah and the story of the Nativity.
The concert program will also include the ever-popular traditional carols, when the audience is invited to join voices with the Chorus.

Advance tickets are available at the Cabrillo Box Office 831-479-6331, or at the door: $20 general admission/$18 students under age 12 and seniors. Proceeds support the Chorus’s scholarship program, to help students travel with the Chorus to Dublin in 2009.

Official Website: http://www.feastofchristmas.com

Added by ceejayo on November 30, 2008

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