Beijing, Beijing

Time: 2008/8/16
Venue: NCPA-Opera House
Price-: 60/100/200/400/600/800
Tel: 86-10-64177845
Web Link:

Choreographed and staged by: Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Julien Derouault
Music composed by Armand Amar, inspired by traditional music from countries visited by the famous explorer
Texts by: John Boswell
Video and animation by: Chrysoid
Costumes designed by: Patrick Murru
Lightings: Eric Valentin

This musical celebrates the art of movement (classical dance, contemporary, hip-hop,acrobatics, martial arts…) and music and links them indelibly with ourtime. It takes us to a universe of fantasy where dancing, singing andmusic become the primary modes of expression. Marco Polo takes us ontwo journeys : the first being the Silk Road and the second being avoyage of self discovery.
Some artists succeedin bringing everything together perfectly. Marie-Claude Pietragalla iswithout doubt one of them : a star dancer of Paris Opera ballet, she isone of the most lauded dancers of contemporary choreography as well asbeing a choreographer in her own right. She has a strong, demandingand passionate character that can be felt in her work.

JulienDeroualt started dancing in 1994, attending workshops held by LarrioEkson and Rheda, he then studied at the Marseille National SuperiorSchool of Dance after which he joined the Marseille National Ballet. Hewas named lead dancer by M. C Pietragalla, and it was he who danced thelead parts in her creations.
The self taught grand master ofhaute couture with a worldwide reputation for excellence, the creativevisionary, the untiring businessman with an empire that stretches toall four corners of the planet. A master of diplomacy, Pierre Cardinhas contributed to the mutual understanding and entente cordiale thatexists between the people of France and China over the 25 years that hehas been present in China.

Official Website:

Added by One Night in Beijing China on June 18, 2008