4610 Charlotte Ave
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

ACT 1 (Artists' Cooperative Theatre) closes their 2008/09 season with 'Mrs. Warren's Profession' by George Bernard Shaw, directed by Dave Thoreson. Mrs. Warren is the proprietress of a string of highly successful brothels. Her daughter, Vivie, is a modern young woman, but not so modern that she can ignore the source of her mother's wealth. The clash of these two strong-willed and culturally constrained Victorian women is the spark that ignites the ironic wit of one of George Bernard Shaw's greatest plays. Initially banned after its 1893 publication for its startling frankness, 'Mrs. Warren's Profession,' a withering critique of male domination, sexual hypocrisy, and societal convention, remains a provocative and powerful work of progressive theater.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 2, 2009