605 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut

Jazzy and bluesy songs, always true in content, though not always comfortable, fit easily with the more reflective pieces. This disparity in style mimics the life of Mr. Isaac Allen whose rambling ways brought chaos and calm. Bouncing between Borneo, SE Asia, the US, and too many small cities in between. His rich baritone voice, caressing and soulful, hints of his early opera training, though the dissonance conveys a more complex story. Accompanied by himself on piano and his band with Steve Klunk on upright bass, Dave Boskello on trumpet, Jeff Gittleman guitar, Matt Oestreicher on organ, Scott Lebish drums and Sara-Joy on female vocals.

Official Website: http://www.mrisaacallen.com/index.html

Added by elesia_b on March 14, 2011

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