55 Mckeever Ln
Lake Twp, Pennsylvania 16145

Plant Earth- The Future Many of the animals features in Planet Earth are endangered so do we face an extinction crisis? Saving Species asks the experts if there really is a problem, looks at the reasons behind the declining numbers of particular animals and question how we choose which species we want to conserve. Pollution, climate change, and a growing human population are all putting pressure on Earth's wildernesses including the Bialowieza forest, the Gobi desert, and the Artic tundra. So how much of the planet is still wilderness? And why should we care? Into the Wilderness explores why these uninhabited expanses are important for our survival as well as that of all creatures on the planet. The history of conservation throws up some interesting ideas as we look to the future of an ever more populated planet. How can conservation fit into this new world driven by economics and development? Living Together looks at the challenges facing conservation in the 21 Century and looks at the role of religion in promoting a moral and ethical approach to the world we live in.

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