Mountain-Con is a celebration of fandom held in the form of an annual SF convention.
We acknowledge that individuals and groups have the right to determine which aspect of fandom brings them the most amount of fun. This could include roleplaying games, reading boooks or comics, acquiring & displaying various collectables, anime & cosplay, writing professional or fan stories, performing community service, enjoying TV & movies, live-action role-playing, collecting autographs & meeting guests, collectable card game tournaments, creating fan films, joining fan clubs, filk singing & music, assembling & wearing costumes, traditional wargaming & miniatures, creating fanzines & websites and anything else we may have failed to mention here.
If someone is willing to share their fandom, we are willing to help promote it at Mountain-Con.
Mountain-Con is held every September in Salt Lake City, Utah. Fans have attended from all over the Intermountain West and beyond (California to New Jersey). Guests have included actors, authors, artists and anyone who has contributed to our fandom.
Official Website:
Added by SARudy on February 20, 2007