417 E. 17th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80203

Utterly unpredictable, Motherhood Out Loud shatters traditional notions about parenthood, unveils its inherent comedy and celebrates the deeply personal truths that span and unite generations.

This is a joyous, moving, hilarious and altogether thrilling theatrical play. Authored by a dazzling array of writers from journalism, fiction, television, and the theater, Motherhood provides genuine entertainment for the parent in your life, mom and dad.

As part of Avenue Theaters 6th Annual Womens Performance Series, the talents of women actors from the Denver metro area drive this remarkable regional premier.

Official Website: http://www.avenuetheater.com

Added by Avenue Theater on December 18, 2012


Kevin Rutherford

Do you wish you could attend the Agile conferences and XP days, but can’t get the funding or the travel budget or the time off work? Well there is one agile event that you can even attend from your own bath — the Naked Agilists!

The event format is a Skype conference, supported by chat, and a website hosting slides and stuff. There’s also a mailing list where you can find more details of what happened last time, and loads of feedback on the event itself. So if you would like to present a 10-minute Experience Report or table a 1-minute Question, please join the mailing list and post your suggestion there. Check out our website for details.


8pm-9:30pm eastern time or central time or ...?

Kevin Rutherford

Clarification: The time is set for 8pm GMT -- UK time. I think that's 3pm EST? Sorry for any confusion.


What do you actually need to do to join a skypecast (that would be the agile method of write the documentation later is it?) :-)