8020 W. Madison St
River Forest, Illinois 60513

The River Forest Community Center will be transformed into a deluxe “Saturday Night Fever” atmosphere with disco lights, music and even a light up dance floor! Hosted by Chicago’s favorite Smarty Pants and The Lovely Miss Dena, Kids will have a fantastic time dancing to classis disco hits. The event is highlighted by party games and contests, including Freeze Dance and Disco Limbo, plus a solo dance contest and a Mother/Son partner dance. We’ll even be giving away some fantastic prizes including disco-styled Smarty Pants Disco Ball Balloon Hats that really light up! Kids are encouraged to wear their funkiest clothes to this out of this world party.
$35.00 per couple and $15.00 for each additional son..
Includes dinner, craft, dancing and fun!

Official Website: http://rfcc.info

Added by Jessica Conrad on February 3, 2010

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