7 Protectin Avenue
Plattsburgh, New York 12901


Plattsburgh, NY – The North Country Lumber Jills, Plattsburgh’s roller derby
team, has organized Monopole Madness for September 4, 2010. The event is being
held to raise funds for the team to use the Plattsburgh City Gym for indoor
skating practice.

Monopole Madness will go from 4pm to 1am on September 4th, and will feature
performances by: Secret Secret Dino Club, Bike to the Future, Forever Endeavor,
More Faster, Eat Sleep Funk and more. Other available activities include, a
photo booth, massages, sharpie tattoos, merchandise, contests, drink specials
and more. The event will take place at the Monopole, located at 7 Protection
Avenue in Plattsburgh. Attendees will be asked to make a suggested donation of
$3 to $5 upon entrance.

The North Country Lumber Jills is an all-female, flat track roller derby team,
started this year in Plattsburgh. The team is in the beginning stages of
organizing, and has just recently received their official non-profit status and
required insurance. They have also been granted permission to use the
Plattsburgh City Gym for indoor skating practice. The team has a long way to go
however, as they still need to purchase a track and pay for using the gym for
practices. For team information, please visit www.plattsburghrollerderby.com.

Monopole Madness is just one way the team is looking to raise funds. Watch for
more information to come from the North Country Lumber Jills on future fund
raising events and activities. If you would like more information on Monopole
Madness or the North Country Lumber Jills, please contact Jenny Scotto at

Added by plattsburghrollerderby on August 26, 2010